DeckingKwila, pine, redwood... We design and construct custom decks to suit your yard and fit your purpose

Fencing and ScreeningFences for all purposes and settings - middle of town, lifestyle blocks, businesses - you name it, we'll build it.

PergolasWe make custom pergolas for outdoor dining and entertaining spaces, as well as for gardens with climbing plants

Planter BoxesA practical addition to your home, a stylish addition to your garden, we make planter boxes in all shapes and sizes

Retaining Walls and StepsHey we get it, New Zealand is hilly. We'll help you transform and navigate your space.

ConcretingIn partnership with Spooner Concrete, we lay down the smoothest, flattest concrete around for any and all purposes!

LawnWe sow seed or lay down 'instant lawn', Greenscapes also has all the lawn care products to go with it.

GroundcoverGreenscapes has a range of high quality mulches and stones to compliment any and all landscaping work.